

Posted by PirIS 
April 02, 2007 06:32PM

Is Weekly usable in Mantis 1.1.0a2? I've tried to install it but mow i'll get an Access Denied & [ Click here to proceed ]. Even when i log in as an administrator whilst i've put the level for weekly on Developer...

Re: Weekly?
April 02, 2007 07:08PM

Is Weekly usable in Mantis 1.1.0a2?



I've tried to
install it but mow i'll get an Access Denied & [
Click here to proceed ].

When? When you browse the page plugin_page.php? Another one? All?


Even when i log in as an
administrator whilst i've put the level for weekly
on Developer...



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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2007 10:01AM by deboutv.
Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 09:52AM
Oh, sorry...
't Was a rather malformed question.

- Installing works fine
- Configuration seems to work fine
- Browsing to the plugins/weekly/weekly_send.php gave the error

And clicking the [ Click here to proceed ] tries me to redirect to a non-existing page ( plugins/weekly/main_page.php ).

Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 10:04AM
Is anonymous login allowed?


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
PHP: 5.0.4
SQL: MySQL 5.0.19
OS: Linux

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Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 10:41AM
No, access is only allowed for known users...

Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 02:01PM
I seems that the PlugIN does work, despite the error...

But now i'm not sure if i follow the logics. When i browse to the weekly_send.php i'll shortly after receive 6 (different) mails from the PlugIN but i cannot distinct why 6. I've would expected to receive just 1 mail.

Perhaps of interest for this question:
We have multiple Projects (Main/Sub) in Mantis.
Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 08:21PM
I seems that the PlugIN does work, despite the error...

But now i'm not sure if i follow the logics. When i browse to the weekly_send.php i'll shortly after receive 6 (different) mails from the PlugIN but i cannot distinct why 6. I've would expected to receive just 1 mail.

You have 5 projects. You need to disable the Weekly plugin for each project (and keey the plugin enable for All projects).

I think there is a bug in the plugin, I'll report it in the bugtracker.


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
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Re: Weekly?
April 03, 2007 09:56PM

Can you help me to find out what is your bug, please? Can you tell me the URL you have when you encounter the Access Denied error?

Can you try to set the variable $g_path in your config_inc.php file and try to see if it fix your issue?

Thank you very much.


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
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Re: Weekly?
April 04, 2007 09:54AM
The URL is []...

Isn't the $g_path automaticly set?
I'll code it in the page & come back to you...
Re: Weekly?
April 04, 2007 09:56AM
BTW i've got 13 MasterProjects & each has at least 1 ( some more... ) SubProjects.
Re: Weekly?
April 04, 2007 04:34PM
OK, if you have at least 13 projects and if you have configured only the weekly for All_projects you must receive at least 13 emails (one per project).

The $g_path variable is automatically set but in the weekly plugin (especially in the weekly_send.php page) the value is wrong.

Maybe you have a "special" project that generates the access denied error.

Try to send weekly only to the administrator (for debug info).


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
PHP: 5.0.4
SQL: MySQL 5.0.19
OS: Linux

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