Hi there,
1) THANK YOU for amazing job you do!!! Your HTMLmail plugin makes mantis really useable in our environment.
2) Few notes about our installation: As in subject - we have mantis 1.1.1 and HTML mail 0.0.4 (runing on linux/apache2/php5/mystl5)
* installation without any problem (plugin manager as well as mail plugin)
* I tried to tick "Check version" check box at plugin manager - this is causing mantis a problem - showing "variable mantis_version not defined" - Unfortunately I am not able to simulate this again
* secondly when I check this check box I am getting this mantis red text error message: "SYSTEM WARNING: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" - this problem is reproduceable.
* even the system warnings mentioned above the plugins are working well.
Once again - THANK YOU