
Question about PM 0.2

Posted by Loki 
Question about PM 0.2
January 15, 2008 10:20PM

Is it possible to hide the plugin link to users by access level?

Also I saw in another post that the Mantis team is going to include a Plugin solution but I can't find if it will be yours.

Thanks and Great work! smileys with beer
Re: Question about PM 0.2
January 15, 2008 11:00PM

Write this in a file at the mantis root directory (where core.php file is) and then use your browser to browse it:
Language: PHP
$t_main_menu_custom_options = config_get( &<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;main_menu_custom_options&<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;, array() ); span class="br0">( $i=0; $i<count( $t_main_menu_custom_options ); $i++ ) { ( $t_main_menu_custom_options[$i][0] == &<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;plugins_pluginmanager_link&<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>; ) { $t_main_menu_custom_options[$i] =( &<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;plugins_pluginmanager_link&<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;, VIEWER, &<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;plugins_page.php&<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>; ); // Change VIEWER to what you want. } } config_set( &<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;main_menu_custom_options&<a href="" target="_blank">#039</a>;, $t_main_menu_custom_options );


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
PHP: 5.0.4
SQL: MySQL 5.0.19
OS: Linux

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Re: Question about PM 0.2
January 16, 2008 06:26PM
Thanks that worked. cool smiley
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