
Numeric? custom field on Mantis

Posted by fapereira 
Numeric? custom field on Mantis
August 16, 2007 04:58PM
I've created a numeric custom field on Mantis to specify the number of priority of the bug, so developers can attend them first.
but when i've tried to sort by that number i realized that the field does not act like a numeric field (it sorted ... ,30 ,31 ,32 ,327, 33, 371, 38, ... etc), does anyone knows an alternative to this?
Re: Numeric? custom field on Mantis
August 16, 2007 05:27PM
This issue is due to the value storage (stored as string even if it is a numeric value).
I don't have any solution right now.

This bug could be reported on the official Mantis Bugtracker.


Mantis: 1.1.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.1
PHP: 5.0.4
SQL: MySQL 5.0.19
OS: Linux

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Re: Numeric? custom field on Mantis
August 16, 2007 05:45PM
Thanks Vincent:

In the 'regular expresion' i tried: ^[0-9]+$
and managed to accept only numbers, i'm chekching if i can, somehow, fill the data with required 0's (maximum value for my field is 999999) in front so i can order them.

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